DuBois Aviation operates twelve aircraft.

We have six Piper Cherokee’s, one Piper Warrior, one Cessna 150, one Mooney Mark-20B, one Piper Apache, a Enstrom F28 helicopter and a Robinson R-22.

We own our aircraft and take great measures to maintain them to FAA standards. The interiors are clean and un-torn, everything works, no inoperative instruments. Our aircraft are also hangared at all times and washed regularly.

In comparison to other flight schools you may visit, you will find our aircraft to be in “cherry” condition.

Flight Instruction Rates as of 9/1/2024

Airplane Single Engine Instruction- $69hr

Airplane Multi Engine Instruction- $80hr

Helicopter Instruction- $80hr

(Hourly time calculated using HOBBS meter in aircraft.)

** Block Rates only apply with deposits of $2,500 increments on your account.


Must have a credit card or bank account on file to pay as you go.


U.S. Pilot Certificate

Medical Certificate

Pilot Log Book

Photo I.D. or unexpired Passport

You will also need to be checked out in our aircraft by one of our instructors. This typically takes 1-3 hours. There is a 3 hour daily minimum on overnight aircraft rentals.

Aircraft Rental Rates as of 9/1/2024 first price change since 6/1/2023 aircraft name Wet Rate Wet Block Rate POH Link


IFR Dual AV-30’s 160HP RAM STC Engine Piper Cherokee PA28, N7412J

IFR Piper Cherokee PA28, N7085R

IFR Piper Cherokee PA28, N4132J

IFR/GPS Dual G-5’s Piper Warrior-II PA28, N8246E

IFR/GPS Dual G-5’sPiper Cherokee PA28-180, N9514J

IFR/GPS Mooney Mark 20, N74770

IFR Piper Apache PA-23, N3363P

VFR Enstrom F28A N90775

VFR Robinson R-22 N305NK
IFR Piper Cherokee PA28 160HP N9841W
New interior and paint. 4 seats