Golf Ball Drops

360 Video - Drag the mouse in any direction!
What is a Golf Ball Drop?
A golf ball drop is simply a raffle. Participants enter the raffle by buying a numbered golf ball or several golf balls. The participant and the numbered golf ball is logged and recorded prior to the day of the drop. On the day of the event or golf ball drop, we drop the golf balls out of one of our helicopters onto a designated hole at the golf course. The person who has the ball either in the hole or closest to the hole wins the raffle.
How much does it cost?
We offer 2 types of Golf ball drops Self Serviced and Fully Managed
- Our Self-Serviced drops are managed by your facility.
- $799
- Includes up to 500 golf balls dropped.
- You must provide the golf balls and we will drop them.
- We advise on safest course location for the drop as well as markings.
- Additional balls can be dropped for an additional fee.
- Our Fully Managed service includes the following:
- We provide the numbered golf balls, staff training, and promotional material.
- Optional videos from the air.
- Optional payment processing.
- Special requests.
- Call or email us for a quote.
How is this profitable for the venue or course?
For example if the event sells 1000 golf balls for $25 = $25,000.
50% goes to the raffle winner ($12,500) and 50% goes to the venue or charity of your choice ($12,500).
We can drop up to 1,000 golf balls for a given event so there is lots of room to make this a profitable venture for everyone.
- What days can you provide ball drops? 7 days a week and including holidays
- What happens if there is bad weather? Bad weather poses hazards to both the aircraft pilots and your spectators, we would have to wait for safe enough weather to drop.
- How many balls can be dropped at a time? 500 to 1000 balls can be drops at once.
- Is there any special insurance requirements? As long as we do not land on the course, no special insurance is required.
- Can the helicopter land on the course? Yes, with special insurance requirements.
- How much notice do I need for the event? We recommend 30 day notice but can allow 7 day notice.
- How big of an area is needed? 50 feet circle for the balls being dropped but at least 100 ft clearance from trees or buildings.
- Can we film the drop? Yes of course you can film our aircraft performing the drop.