2025 Advanced Aviation Summer Camp Registration Now Open

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 4 files.
We are required to maintain a record of students birth certificate or passport of any student who receives flight training as well as an ID. For minors a student ID should be acceptable.
Acknowledgement of Personal Responsibility
I hereby accept full responsibility for, and assume the risk of any injuries sustained because of, my child's participation in the Aviation Camp: release and hold harmless Du Bois Aviation Inc., and their respective officers, directors and shareholders, and all their personnel in association with this camp for any liabilities, injuries, and expenses which may arise as a result of participation in this aviation camp. I know of no medical reason why my child should not participate in this camp. I further declare that my child poses no threat to themselves, other students or instructors and staff, due to any physical limitations or medical conditions.

Photo / Video Release
Please be advised that your child may be photographed at various times during the camp. Some photos may be taken by our staff or other parents and your child in the photo or video. We are providing videos to parents of their students flight, because these videos are raw unedited, another student may briefly appear in the video. Your child's pictures may be used for either the website, social media, or other promotions.
Clear Signature
Only 5 Students in each Class. So Advanced Camp will be very limited.
-Advanced Course requires students to be at least 12 years of age and been a previous student in the Camp or Flyers Club.

Summer Camp Outline

  • Each day students will complete 2 hours of ground school training.
  • Students will fly one on one with our instructor daily. 
  • Fly More time vs standard aviation camp.
  • We extended the course time by 1 hour this year as last year we were going over
  • Students will get more freedom to refine their skills in our simulator.
  • Graduation and Pizza Party on final course dates.
  • GoPro Videos of students will be provided. 

Ground School

  • Introduce Flight Planning
  • Teach how calculate fuel consumption
  • Learn how follow a course
  • Learn basics about how radio navigation works
  • Learn about Weight and Balance
  • Learn how to find your position using multile VOR’s
  • More Radio communications- Great job last year!

In Flight Training

  • Learn how to fly the plane as if you were flying cross country
  • Land at other airports daily. KAJO, KRAL, KCCB, KPOC
  • Learn lost proceedures and how to find your position
  • Students will be using previously learn skills and newly learned skills to navigate the airplane.
  • Flight each day for every student (4 flights total)
  • Seat cushions available for best visibility 
  • Headset rentals will be provided for each student. Personal headsets can be purchased also
  • Log flight instruction which can be used towards your pilots license requirements

Provided Materials

  • T-Shirt (Pilot in Progress)
  • All worksheets will be provided
  • Small Snack and water bottle each day
  • Digital unedited Gopro video of students flight
  • STEM Build Kit (NEW!)